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Immanuel Lutheran Church of Rosenthal is dedicated to supporting missions, both locally and globally. We have a strong desire to assist others in need and make a positive impact in their lives. Your contribution in any form will greatly benefit those we aim to reach out to. Here is a list of the different missions we support,  Thank you for your support!

Spoken Word Ministries
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A team of people dedicated to proclaiming the gospel of Jesus Christ. Through our training events and resources we equip believers for ministry.

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Moms Canada

Empowering, encouraging, and equipping single moms in a supportive and compassionate community. Sign up for our free programs. This program is in Parkland County.

CLBI - Canadian Lutheran Bible Institute

Our mission is to train followers of Christ to become servant leaders. We long to see students know God more intimately, love Him more deeply, and serve Him more faithfully. We are a discipleship school dedicated to developing Christ’s followers. We are a small Bible school, with a program uniquely designed to stretch students and to help them encounter God in new and deeper ways and discover who He has created them to be. Through a combination Bible teaching, adventure, mentorship, service, and community, students are encouraged to get real, go deep, and grow in their faith. We know God will meet you here.

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Light For All Nations

Light For All Nations is an evangelistic television ministry that focuses its outreach to Arabic-speaking people. It is a registered charity in Canada and the United States. It is an independent corporation that often works in cooperation with other Christian ministries. Light For All Nations recognizes the importance of a local body of believers and, as a result, has helped to birth several new churches. It also serves to link viewers to believers and is an “arm” of the local church.

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Nehemiah Construction Ministries

Since 2004, NCM has been involved with construction projects, feeding the hungry, clothing the naked and bringing fresh clean water to those who are thirsty.  In 2006 Nehemiah Construction Ministries partnered with The Great Commission Foundation to start The Drill for Life Project.  In the fall of 2007 we began drilling water wells, and as of September 2021 we have successfully drilled over 90 water wells, supplying clean, safe drinking water to tens of thousands in the Turkana region. 

WorldServe Ministries

For nearly 40 years, WorldServe Ministries has equipped local churches around the world to be the hands and feet of Jesus in their communities. As a non-denominational, Christian ministry based in Canada, our work is as diverse as our partners, but we are all united with one purpose--to glorify God. We do this by partnering with, strengthening, and equipping local churches in China, Ethiopia, Cuba, and Myanmar. By supporting church planting pastors, offering Christian leadership training, and distributing Bibles--as well as providing practical helps, such as famine relief, micro business projects, caring for needy children, and community health initiatives, we are seeing communities change and the influence of the local church grow. The local church is making history in the countries where we work.

CALC is a “confessional church” which means that its members subscribe to written statements of what CALC believes, teaches and confesses. CALC’s Confession of Faith and Purpose are found under “BELIEFS” in the site navigation pane above. Central to CALC’S teaching is the ultimate authority of the Scriptures. We believe that Christ’s Great Commission is lived out in the local congregation, yet, each congregation is a part of the greater Body of Christ and naturally seeks union with other congregations in order to more effectively fulfill its mission. Our Association seeks to equip and empower congregations.

May God be glorified and may all people participate in his Kingdom. This is our aim. The World Mission Prayer League exists to see that populations with limited or no access to the Gospel experience the love of Christ and that believers and communities of believers in the Americas and elsewhere engage in active and collaborative participation in living out their roles in the great commission.

Food for the Soul is an outreach that helps provide bag lunches to help individuals and families in the Parkland County area. We offer fresh fruit, bread to take home , granola bars juice and water. At Christmas we also  provide a hot Christmas dinner.

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Church Office: 780-963-4048    |      E-mail:     |      52401 Range Road 13. Parkland County, AB

© by Immanuel Lutheran Church of Rosenthal | 2024

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